Ivan Illich

'The break with the past which has been described by others as the transition to a capitalist mode of production, I describe here as the transition from the aegis of gender to the regime of sex.'

Ivan Illich insists that we survey attitudes to male and female roles in both industrial society and its antecedents in order to recover a lost 'art of living'. He states, 'While under any reign of gender women might be subordinate, under any economic regime they are only second sex...both genders are stripped, and neutered, the man ends up on top.' He argues that only a truly radical scrutiny of scarcity, with special attention in this study to the sexes and society, past and present, can prevent an intensification of this grim precedent.

Price: £ 9.95 / $ 14.95

Format: Paperback

ISBN: 9780714527581

Social science

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COVER DESIGN: Alice Marwick